The Importance of Staying Fit During Quarantine

“Oh, I’ll just have ONE more serving of chips…and while I’m at it, what does ONE more episode on Netflix matter…ONE day of doing nothing won’t count – I’ll get back to being active tomorrow!” 


No judgment – we’ve all been there, and enjoying our favorite chips, candy, and other sweets every now and then isn’t necessarily a bad thing! The problem doesn’t lie in taking a break – the problem lies in failing to get back on your fitness game. While COVID-19 has us all cooped up in the house, it’s tempting to fall out of our normal routines and shift into one of inactivity. Unfortunately, the damage physical inactivity can have on our bodies is more shocking than one might think – according to HealthDay News, it takes just two weeks of physical inactivity for those who are physically fit to lose a significant amount of their muscle strength.  Fortunately, all hope is not lost – and you’re definitely not in the fight for fitness by yourself! 

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The GymStudios family is proudly committed to continuing to serve our clients and the fitness community at large during this time. Tune into our Facebook page for live streamed workouts designed to effectively target different muscle groups. If you prefer to have a more personalized fitness approach, you’re in luck! Aside from our current offerings, it may prove helpful to take a daily 30-minute walk to ensure you are getting in enough movement. At a brisk walking pace, you can burn 100 to 300 calories in 30 minutes (depending on your weight) or 200 to 600 calories in an hour. If you’re fortunate enough to have an at-home treadmill or one available for use in your apartment complex, you can kick up the amount of calories burned by walking on an incline! If there are stairs in your living space, consider shaking things up by putting on some headphones and doing a few sets of stair climbs! One hour of stair climbing will burn approximately 1,000 calories. Whatever workout routine or methods you choose, don’t forget to stretch before and afterwards and maintain a regular sleeping schedule for recovery. Your muscles will thank you!

Though we are all currently living through a challenging period of time, we are being presented with a choice – evolve, or remain. We can view this quarantine as an obstacle to our success, or make it work in our favor. Which will you choose? There are plenty of things to be grateful for during this period -- more time with our families, a chance to get our living spaces in order, and finding fun new ways to keep our fitness routines fresh and effective. We hope to see you online for one of our live streamed workouts soon, and in the meantime…rest up and take care of you & yours. We’re all in this together!